Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition edito da SYRAWOOD PUB HOUSE
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Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition





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Descrizione Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition

Animal nutrition refers to the science of preparing or formulating the feed for animals that provide food (such as meat and milk) or non-food materials (such as wool). It is concerned with fulfilling the nutritional needs of food-producing, companion, or service animals. Proteins, minerals, and vitamins are the major dietary nutrients required by animals. The integrative science of animal nutrition is also involved in different steps by which the animals assimilate feed or food, and use it for their growth, health and performance. It promotes the safety and dietary quality of animal products for human consumption. The science of animal nutrition also aids in producing nutrient efficient livestock that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and land use. This book is a valuable compilation of topics, ranging from the basic to the most complex advancements in the study of animal nutrition. With its detailed analyses and data, it will prove immensely beneficial to professionals and students.

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