Receiving Your Portion di Olric R. Wilkins edito da Covenant Books
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Receiving Your Portion

A Prayer of Agur





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Descrizione Receiving Your Portion

If you desire your portion from God, then you must ask like Agur did-with a spirit of sincerity, seeking only what you need. Agur realized that there is a possibility that too much wealth could create a prideful memory lapse, causing him to forget the source of his riches which would be disastrous for his spiritual health. He knew the greatest wealth consists of having the presence of God, the power of God, and the peace of God prevalent in one's life. Agur had confidence that God would give him exactly what he needed. However, he let it be known to God, "In the process of giving me my portion, don't let it be too small where I would be forced to steal and bring disgrace to your holy name." There's nothing wrong in letting God know that it is not your desire to be filthy rich, and neither is it your desire to be filthy poor. It is, however, your desire that he will meet your every need in such a manner that you will be able to please him in all that you do so that his name will be glorified in you and through you. Every page of Receiving My Portion is written to assist you in a daily devotion of encouragement and thanksgiving, knowing that you have a heavenly Father who delights in giving you your portion that which you need to walk in the victory that he has provided.

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