Rebecca's Wonderful Day di Nora Bollhagen edito da Tate Publishing & Enterprises

Rebecca's Wonderful Day





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Descrizione Rebecca's Wonderful Day

Rebecca is used to sharing everything with her brother and sister, especially time with the grandparents they all love so much. But today, Rebecca doesn't have to share because Grandma and Grandpa have planned a special day with only her! The day is filled with exciting surprises, fun outings, and delightful adventures. Join Rebecca as she goes shopping with Grandma, getting new clothes, and eats at a restaurant where she gets to order off the 'big people' menu. Leap into the lake with Rebecca and Grandpa as they dive, twirl, and go tubing. Set off to find a woodpecker high in the trees with Grandpa and help two boys when their boat capsizes, before playing cards with both grandparents. Rebecca's Wonderful Day is one she'll never forget. Share a wonderful day with your grandparents by reading about Rebecca's day with them!

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