Rebecca Dowbiggin edito da Betascript Publishing

Rebecca Dowbiggin





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Descrizione Rebecca Dowbiggin

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Rebecca Dowbiggin (April 11, 1983, St. Albans, England) was the 13th female to cox Cambridge in The Boat Race, the annual race against Oxford. She grew up in Cambridge, attending Chesteron Community College and Impington International 6th Form College. She studied for a BA in Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic at Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge. She started coxing as an undergraduate, and went on to cox the 2004 Cambridge University Lightweight Men's Boat race crew. After enrolling for a PhD in 2005, she coxed the 2006 Cambridge University Women's Blue Boat.

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