Reasons for Non-compliance among Patients with Hypertension di Jean-Pierre Fina Lubaki edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Reasons for Non-compliance among Patients with Hypertension





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Descrizione Reasons for Non-compliance among Patients with Hypertension

Hypertension has emerged as a public health concern in recent years in sub-Saharan Africa. Non-compliance to antihypertensive medications is one of the challenges encountered in the management of hypertension. Patients managed at an outpatient rural clinic present with inadequate control of blood pressure with subsequent increased morbidity, mortality and high cost of care. Non-compliance is a multifactor problem with various determinants through time and settings. The study showed that patients suffering from hypertension were not adequately informed as to what to expect or do whenever they experienced side effects of medication for hypertension. Another aspect was that when they did not experience symptoms they had had prior to diagnosis of hypertension they would either modify the dose of their medication or not take it at all. It was therefore imperative for health care professional to educate and highlight the importance of taking treatment for hypertension as prescribed with or without symptoms or side effects. In the latter case of side effects they should be encouraged to consult the health facility when there are untoward reactions to medication.

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