Real World Survival Tips and Survival Guide di Richard Lowe Jr edito da The Writing King
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Real World Survival Tips and Survival Guide

Preparing For And Surviving Disasters With Survival Skills





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Descrizione Real World Survival Tips and Survival Guide

Safety for You and Your Family in a Disaster Without Breaking The Bank What if you could dramatically improve your chances of survival after a big disaster? Image ensuring your children and other family members are safe even after the "big earthquake" or hurricane? Image how you'll feel being the only one in the neighborhood with sufficient food and water? CERT (Civilian Emergency Response Team) trained and Disaster Recovery Specialist, Richard Lowe, lays out how to make you, your family, and your friends for any disaster, large or small. Based upon specialized training, interviews with experts and personal experience, Lowe answers the big question: what is the secret to improving the odds of survival even after a big disaster? In this book, you'll learn: ¿ Why you can't depend on the fire and police departments in a disaster, and what to do about it ¿ How research can keep you alive and your family and children safe during a disaster ¿ Do you really know what kinds of disasters can occur in your area, and how to find out ¿ How to create a disaster plan that actually works ¿ How to ensure your family and children understand what to do in a disaster ¿ How to let others know you and your family are safe ¿ How to prepare your home for emergencies ¿ What food, water and other supplies are required ¿ How to prepare for outings and trips ¿ What to do when disaster strikes ¿ How to create a bug-out bag ¿ What to do when you are ordered to evacuate Buy this book NOW to ensure you are ready for disaster and your family is safe BEFORE it strikes Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!

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