Real Estate Secrets di Alex Reid edito da iUniverse
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Real Estate Secrets

From Foreclosures To Ebay.







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Descrizione Real Estate Secrets

Are you looking to build up a fortune in real estate? Did you know that real estate can increase your net worth while providing you with a monthly source of cash? Today, countless opportunities exist for you to start making money in the real estate business. Financing is available with little or no credit. Property can be purchased even with a bankruptcy in your history. The key to making money in real estate is the "how to" knowledge. You can either spend years learning the hard way, can enroll in a thousand dollar seminar that promises to teach you, or you can read Real Estate Secrets. Real Estate Secrets teaches you the ropes-the strategies, tips, and methods that are the secrets of the new entrepreneurs in real estate. Real Estate Secrets, written by a successful husband-and-wife team, will share with you their secrets. You will learn how to... ...Find properties yielding the highest profit. ...Uncover overlooked deals. ...Buy without a down payment. ...Make money on residential real estate. ...Buy and sell commercial buildings. ...Create a steady source of income from rentals. ...Find bargains in the better neighborhoods. ...Use eBay and the Internet to invest in real estate. ...Make money on foreclosures. ...Find the next "up and coming" neighborhood, before the real estate prices go up.

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