Real Estate and Urban Development in South America di Claudia (University of Reading Murray, Eliane Monetti, Camilla (Goldstein-Ween Architects Ween edito da Taylor & Francis Ltd
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Real Estate and Urban Development in South America

Understanding Local Regulations and Investment Methods in a Highly Urbanised Continent





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Descrizione Real Estate and Urban Development in South America

Real Estate Markets and Development in South America uncovers how investors are navigating South American real estate markets in commercial, residential and infrastructure development. This book explores the strengths and weaknesses of real estate markets in the region, concluding that with careful implementation of the correct development strategies, the region can once again take its place at the centre stage of global real estate investment. The first full overview of real estate markets in South America, this book will be an essential guide for investors, policy makers, academics and students with an interest in this this rapidly evolving region.

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