Real Dogs, Real Problems, Real Solutions di Carlos Puentes edito da iUniverse
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Real Dogs, Real Problems, Real Solutions

A Straightforward Approach to Solving Dog Problems from the Dog's Point of View







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Descrizione Real Dogs, Real Problems, Real Solutions

Are you looking for the insider secrets, breaks, shortcuts, or new and improved, easier ways to solve your dog problems? The bad news is … they don't exist. But there's good news for frustrated dog owners who want to learn how to truly communicate with their dogs. Inside Real Dogs, Real Problems, Real Solutions, you'll find Carlos's kick-butt approach to solving your dog problems-only the butt that is being kicked is your own. With hard work, integrity, honesty, and taking accountability, you can quickly arrive at a surprising epiphany: In order to solve your "dog problems," you need to address your "people problems." Once you retrain the trainer, you can really start to see results! With his straightforward, expert advice, Carlos explains • how people problems are actually the main cause of dog problems; • the difference between symptoms and your dog's real problems; • the three most important things in dog training; • how your dog learns, so you can communicate with him properly; • what you should expect when hiring a dog trainer; • your dog's point of view and how your dog perceives you; • the two most important tools in dog training; • how to prevent aggressive behavior; and • how to tackle and solve common behavior problems, such as housebreaking, pulling, fence jumping, nipping, digging, barking, garbage raiding, chewing, and feces eating. Carlos reveals much more, including heartwarming, humorous, and sometimes heartbreaking stories.

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