Re Saul D Harrison & Sons Plc edito da Betascript Publishing

Re Saul D Harrison & Sons Plc





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Descrizione Re Saul D Harrison & Sons Plc

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Re Saul D Harrison & Sons plc [1995] 1 BCLC 14, [1994] BCC 475, is a UK company law case on an action for unfair prejudice under s.459 Companies Act 1985 (now s.994 Companies Act 2006). It was decided in the Court of Appeal and deals with the concept of members of a business having their "legitimate expectations" disappointed. Vinelott J at first instance had denied the petition, and the Hoffmann LJ, Neill LJ and Waite LJ in the Court of Appeal upheld the judgment. Saul D Harrison & Sons plc ran a business that was established in 1891 by the petitioner's great grandfather. It made industrial cleaning and wiping cloths, made from waste textiles. It operated from West Ham and after 1989 from Hackney.

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