Re Remuneration of Judges (No. 2) edito da Betascript Publishing

Re Remuneration of Judges (No. 2)





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Descrizione Re Remuneration of Judges (No. 2)

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Re Remuneration of Judges (No. 2) [1998] 1 S.C.R. 3 was a decision by the Supreme Court of Canada addressing questions regarding the 1997 Provincial Judges Reference, also known as Re Remuneration of Judges. Since the Supreme Court, in 1997, found independent committees were needed to help determine judicial salaries, the Court now had to address challenges regarding the creation of such committees. In the Provincial Judges Reference of 1997, the Court found that Alberta, Manitoba and Prince Edward Island's remuneration of provincial judges was unconstitutional, since it breached a requirement for judicial independence.

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