Raymond Howard edito da Betascript Publishing

Raymond Howard





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Descrizione Raymond Howard

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Raymond Howard was an English Witch and an early figure in the history of the neopagan religion of Wicca. Howard propagated the tradition focused around the Horned God known as Atho, which had originated with Charles Cardell. Howard and his wife had initially been friends of Cardell, but Howard fell out with the Cardells, and soon divorced from his wife. He then moved to Field Dalling in Norfolk where he opened an antiques shop though he also had a second home in Cornwall. Doreen Valiente's painting of the head of Atho. He had in his possession a carved wooden head of the Horned God, which he called Atho. It was approximately 3 feet tall and was decorated with gold, silver and gemstones.

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