Rattlesnake Fever di Lorie Blundon edito da iUniverse
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Rattlesnake Fever







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Descrizione Rattlesnake Fever

Growing up, Malorie continuously heard stories about her great uncle Troy from her beloved Grandma Annie. Some claimed he had been murdered over greed and land, while others saw his death as a horrible accident. Grandma Annie gifts Malorie with the 1950s court transcript of the preliminary hearing for Uncle Troy's murder. She gives Malorie explicit instructions not to investigate it until after her death. Years later, Grandma Annie dies, and Malorie, now an adult, digs out the transcript and newspaper clippings, determined to unravel the conspiracy behind Uncle Troy's death. What she finds is unsettling. She always knew her family was dysfunctional, but she never realized it was this bad. Dark secrets, stemming from even before her father's birth, have trickled down through the family and poisoned it. Uncovering a trail of abuse, lies, and more questions than answers, Malorie feels compelled to find the truth no matter the consequences. Filled with gripping suspense, Rattlesnake Fever is a tale of how sordid family secrets can affect generation after generation.

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€ 22.32€ 23.50
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