Rashomama edito da Betascript Publishing






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Descrizione Rashomama

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. "Rashomama" is the twenty-first episode in the sixth season of the American crime drama CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, which is set in Las Vegas, Nevada. A pan shot of a wedding shows a couple waving goodbye at their friends as they head out for their honeymoon a blue Mustang. The crowds congratulatory waves turn to shock as the camera pans to the groom's mother's body dragged behind the car. Later on Nick, Greg, and Sara meet up for breakfast and talk about the wedding case, with Nick leaving the car full of evidence in the parking lot of a diner, where it is stolen while they eat. With almost no physical evidence remaining, the CSIs attempt to crack the case using memory and deduction while waiting for the Internal Affairs Bureau to take their statements. Each investigator's recollection is colored by his or her own unique viewpoint.

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