Rashid Rida edito da Betascript Publishing

Rashid Rida





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Descrizione Rashid Rida

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Muhammad Rashid Rida (September 23, 1865, Ottoman Syria - August 22, 1935, Egypt) is said to have been "one of the most influential scholars and jurists of his generation" and the "most prominent disciple of Muhammad Abduh" Rida was born near Tripoli in Al-Qalamoun, now in Lebanon but then part of Ottoman Syria within the Ottoman Empire). His early education consisted of training in "traditional Islamic subjects." In 1884-5 he was first exposed to al-'Urwa al-wuthqa, the journal of the Jamal al-Din al-Afghani and Muhammad Abduh. In 1897 he left Syria for Cairo to collaborate with Abduh and the following year they launched al-Manar, a weekly and then monthly journal comprising Quranic commentary at which Rida worked until his death in 1935.

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