. Come in Rangoon! di Rodolfo De Paolis edito da iUniverse
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. Come in Rangoon!







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Descrizione . Come in Rangoon!

Borne on the wings of a reluctant empire, long before the overt and full commitment of U.S. forces in Southeast Asia, the seeds of what would later be known as the Laotian Secret War were being planted by an unconventional assemblage of heroes and knaves, lunatics and eccentrics. Sgt. Marcus Omodei, a weatherman with the U.S. Air Force and an expert marksman, stumbles into the vortex of the coming storm. On the way to a new posting in Thailand, he is puzzled to discover that his security classification has been elevated to top secret. He doesn't know it yet, but this is just the prelude to a series of adventures that he won't soon forget. Soon, Omodei finds himself playing a critical role in the secret war. And as time passes, he achieves a karmic oneness with the surrounding forest. The more charitable describe it as going native, the less so, as lunacy. .come in Rangoon! ©, the second book in a sextet of stories featuring Omodei, details the erstwhile military assassin's drug enhanced spree of erotic escapades and crush of violence, keeping you enthralled from start to finish.

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