RAM N D. Abellanosa edito da Betascript Publishing

RAM N D. Abellanosa





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Descrizione RAM N D. Abellanosa

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Ram n D. Abellanosa (born 1907) is a Filipino Visayan political journalist, minor politician, businessman, and writer. He was best known for his plays. He is a son of Baldomero Abellanosa and brother of Onofre. Onofre Abellanosa (1913 - 1974) was a Filipino Visayan writer of short stories and plays. The Visayan languages (or Bisayan languages) of the Philippines, along with Tagalog and Bikol, are part of the Central Philippine languages. Most Visayan languages are spoken in the Visayas region but they are also spoken in the Bicol Region (particularly in Sorsogon and Masbate), islands south of Luzon such as those that make up Romblon, most of the areas of Mindanao, and the province of Sulu located southwest of Mindanao. Some residents of Metro Manila also speak Visayan.

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