Raising A Prince: The Joy of Rearing A Whole Man di Gail Jacobs edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Raising A Prince: The Joy of Rearing A Whole Man





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Descrizione Raising A Prince: The Joy of Rearing A Whole Man

OUR BOYS BECOME WHAT WE HAVE RAISED. IF WE RAISE THEM WELL, THEY WILL BE WHOLE MEN!While circumstances, backgrounds and situations are different, it remains unquestionable that the bond between a mother and son is a special one. This bond creates the perfect incubator for raising a man who will be a gift to society and ultimately make the world a better place. "RASING A PRINCE" allows you a closer look into the life of a single mom's on-going journey in her passionate pursuit to raise a strong young man who is on his own journey to becoming a "king". In this book you will discover just how beautifully a mom-son relationship is intertwined.This book will inspire you to: - Centre yourself as a Queen- Discover and support your son in his purpose- Find balance as you juggle the responsibility of raising a boy with making memories that will last a lifetime before he moves on and becomes the king of his own castle.This book is not prescriptive. It is reflective. But even more - It is empowering and will leave you with the assurance that you were uniquely chosen and shaped to raise the Prince you have been blessed with.

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