The Rainbow Tree di Leon Shargel edito da Archway Publishing
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The Rainbow Tree





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Descrizione The Rainbow Tree

In a small village, there stands a very tall tree, with leaves of many different colors, shapes, and sizes. The Rainbow Tree's leaves reflect the sun rays into everyone's home and make the villagers happy. But nearby, in small black cottage with a big black fence and black furniture, there lives an old woman, eating black bean soup and dark pumpernickel bread. Everything is dark and gloomy for her, and she is sad and lonely, for no one in the village has visited her for more than one hundred years. One night, when no one is around, the old woman paints the leaves of the Rainbow Tree black, which makes the villagers sad and gloomy. The villagers are afraid of the old woman, but a small boy named Miguel decides to go visit her anyway. Can Miguel find a way to bring back the Rainbow Tree's colors-and help the people of the village learn a valuable lesson? In this children's story, when a lonely old lady paints the leaves of the village's Rainbow Tree black, a little boy pays her a visit and helps the villagers learn the value of kindness.

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