Rabbits Rule at Night School di Clifton C. Phillips edito da Avid Readers Publishing Group

Rabbits Rule at Night School





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A rather unique situation exists on a community college campus in Long Beach, California. This is the Liberal Arts campus of Long Beach City College, located at 4901 East Carson Street, Long Beach, California 90808. The campus consists of 112 acres and approximately 115,000 students are in attendance at sometime during the day or evening. It is estimated that approximately 200 domesticated rabbits also inhabit the campus, mostly appearing during the evening or night hours. Many elementary educators and children in the surrounding areas know of the rabbits, and adults and children may be seen feeding, petting, and chasing them around during evening hours, especially on weekends. This is a photo collage of some who are visiting the rabbits as they rule at night school. Images have been enhanced and moved from various locations since the rabbits do not always cooperate in their picture taking.

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