A Quiet Strong Voice di Lee Horbachewski edito da Balboa Press
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A Quiet Strong Voice

A Voice of Hope Amidst Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidal Thoughts


Balboa Press





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Descrizione A Quiet Strong Voice

A Quiet Strong Voice is a raw, honest exploration of a torturous journey through depression, anxiety, and multiple suicide attempts. It also serves as a valuable toolbox of thought-provoking questions, steps, and resources. "Every so often someone will come along and gift you with the raw, honest reveal of their experience. A Quiet Strong Voice is that gift. Lee Horbachewski helps bridge the understanding of mental illness and brings forth a tremendous offering of tools in which one can begin to see their own quiet strong voice emerging. This is a gift to be shared." -Farhana Dhalla, bestselling author of Thank You for Leaving Me "A Quiet Strong Voice is a deeply personal and engaging story; it is a toolbox of practical and helpful tools, and it is a reservoir of peace and inspiration. Lee Horbachewski describes in delicious detail the tools and strategies she used to move down the healing path of denial, awareness, acceptance, and action. She pours her soul into the pages. Her insights dazzle and her compassion soothes." -Gemma Stone, registered psychologist, author, and speaker "A Quiet Strong Voice is a compelling piece of vulnerability, revealing the depths of despair, the dangers in depression, and the quicksand of suicide intention that can trap even the most beautiful, intelligent, and loving individuals. Lee Horbachewski bravely exposes the truth of her torturous journey through anxiety, fear, depression, and multiple suicide attempts. Her intimate description of frantic attempts to end her life pull you into the story, enmeshing your emotions, heart and longing for peace for this fragile woman." -Annette Stanwick, award-winning author of Forgiveness: The Mystery and Miracle

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