Quiet Houses di Simon Kurt Unsworth edito da Black Shuck Books
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Quiet Houses





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Descrizione Quiet Houses

Nakata's ghosts won't stay dead… A chambermaid's seemingly innocent request is granted, an act of kindness that has dire consequences for a guest… An unearthly light in an abandoned bungalow resolves the mystery of a missing child… An invitation to a clifftop graveyard leads to a harrowing chase by things that remain unseen… In an abandoned hotel, work is underway to upgrade the building but something is stalking the residents… There is a hidden agenda to paranormal researcher Richard Nakata's investigations into these houses. A commission that witnesses cattle lowing in the cow-sheds of Stack's Farm long after they've been slaughtered, and a reckoning in the showhouse of 24 Glasshouse as he and his colleagues pay the price for creating their own ghost… Simon Kurt Unsworth reinvents the classic English ghost story with a portmanteau collection that takes the haunted house genre and makes it scream… quietly. The houses are quiet, it's the residents who are screaming.

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