Questions for Someone Special: A Life Celebrated di Brittany Eckl edito da Van Sky Publishing

Questions for Someone Special: A Life Celebrated





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Most people do not know much about their ancestry. Maybe names from only a few generations back but do they really know how those people lived or how they felt? It's a shame that many pioneers of the past have been lost to us in this generation. With author Brittany Eckl this issue will literally be a thing of the past. She has compiled over 100 questions to ask a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle etc¦¦ about their life and the world around them. It is a book of questions in which someone can gather and record the precious memories of a lifetime to save in a keepsake book for generations to come. The book's questions cover many topics, including: ¢¢What everyday life was like for them ¢¢The things they most enjoyed ¢¢Their eyewitness to history ¢¢Words of wisdom for future generations A memory can be made to last forever; That is, if you write it down.

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