Questions and Answers on Homeopathic Materia Medica V1 di Frank C Okeke edito da LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

Questions and Answers on Homeopathic Materia Medica V1

Volume 1





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Descrizione Questions and Answers on Homeopathic Materia Medica V1

Homeopathic Medicine is the most widely practiced medical system besides the allopathic or conventional system. It is not a religion or faith based practice. It is not fetish, diabolic or magical rather it is a pure medical science practised in line with verifiable principles. The Homeopathic system operates on natural laws of health as enunciated in the Homeopathic ¿lawbook¿, the Organon of Medicine by Samuel Hahnemann. In the study of Homeopathic Medicine, there are four departmental pillars: the Organon of Medicine in which the principles of our practice are enunciated; the Homeopathic Philosophy wherein the principles in the Organon are methodically expounded; the Homeopathic Materia Medica, the Armamentarium of the Homeopathic doctor consisting of remedies derived from flora, fauna, microbial, intangibilia, and other sources; the Homeopathic Repertory, a compendium which helps the practitioner in the selection of the remedy. This book is written to aid the Homeopathic student and practitioner in knowing and understanding key redline symptoms of the Materia Medica for easy selection of remedies when confronted with such cases in the clinic.

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€ 51.16

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