The Question of Psychological Types di C. G. Jung, Hans Schmid-Guisan edito da Princeton University Press
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The Question of Psychological Types

The Correspondence of C. G. Jung and Hans Schmid-Guisan, 1915-1916





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Descrizione The Question of Psychological Types

In 1915, C. G. Jung and his psychiatrist colleague, Hans Schmid-Guisan, began a correspondence through which they hoped to codify fundamental individual differences of attention and consciousness. Their ambitious dialogue, focused on the opposition of extraversion and introversion, demonstrated the difficulty of reaching a shared awareness of differences even as it introduced concepts that would eventually enable Jung to create his landmark 1921 statement of the theory of psychological types. That theory, the basis of the widely used Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and similar personality assessment tools, continues to inform not only personality psychology but also such diverse fields as marriage and career counseling and human resource management.

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