Quest for the Perfect Strawberry: A Case Study of the California Strawberry Commission and the Strawberry Industry: A De di Herbert Baum edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Quest for the Perfect Strawberry: A Case Study of the California Strawberry Commission and the Strawberry Industry: A De

A Case Study Of The California Strawberry Commission And The Strawberry Industry: A Descriptive Model For Marketing Order Evaluation







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'Baum's book provides a wealth of heretofore unavailable information on marketing in the strawberry industry. It contains invaluable insights by an insider gleaned from many years of experience. It is required reading for anyone with an interest in the industry." -Dr. George Tolley, professor emeritus, University of Chicago 'Quest. is an important resource for anybody involved in production and marketing of strawberries. [It] provides a needed analysis of commodity board marketing plans, but it also chronicles much history of California agriculture by recording the development of the strawberry industry from a localized, fragmented small farm economy into a corporate age production system." -Tom Am Rhein, strawberry grower and Vice President of Operations, Naturipe Berry Growers 'The history of the California strawberry industry, captured by Herb Baum, must be studied to appreciate the economic dilemma of California farmers and the seemingly inadequate support of commodity boards and university research programs. Ten years from now, as a new generation becomes farmers and industry leaders, Quest will be even more important." -Larry Galper, retired strawberry grower and industry leader/activist

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