Queen Of The Burglars di Shayne Davidson edito da Mcfarland & Co Inc
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Queen Of The Burglars

The Scandalous Life Of Sophie Lyons





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Descrizione Queen Of The Burglars

Born in the mid-nineteenth century, Sophie Lyons was a master thief, con artist, blackmailer and smuggler. Much of her success as a criminal was due to the fact that she was fearless, reckless, sharp and cunning--everything a woman of her time was not supposed to be. As a young child, Sophie's parents forced her to steal when she showed a talent for pickpocketing. Strong-willed and smart, she blossomed into a beautiful teenager who caught the eye of many men in the underworld of New York City. By the time Sophie reached her late teens she was married to her second husband--a notorious bank burglar named Ned Lyons--and was a professional criminal in her own right. Despite her prominent place in crime history, Sophie Lyons has never been the subject of a full-length biography. This book chronicles Sophie's fascinating and tragic life, from her beginnings as a criminal prodigy, through her ingenious escape from Sing Sing prison and her lifelong struggle with mental illness.

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