Quality of Life and Human Well-Being in Sub-Saharan Africa di Benjamin J. Roberts, Valerie Møller edito da Springer International Publishing
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Quality of Life and Human Well-Being in Sub-Saharan Africa

Prospects for Future Happiness





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Descrizione Quality of Life and Human Well-Being in Sub-Saharan Africa

This volume presents an account of how people in sub-Saharan Africa have fared under changing life circumstances of the past centuries until the present. By introducing the geography of the region it traces a time line of different historical periods that have shaped livelihoods of ordinary people of the region, and addresses the major milestones in political and economic development. It focuses on social indicators pointing to significant changes that have affected the health, education and wealth of sub-Saharan Africans and their outlook on the future since the wind of change blew through the region. With case studies and vignettes the book highlights how individual citizens across the 44 different countries of sub-Saharan Africa experience well-being and express their aspirations for the future. This book provides relevant material for practitioners and policy makers, including community and development workers, in non-governmental and other organizations in sub-Saharan Africancountries.

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