Quality Enhancements In   Prime Service Sectors di S. Rita, V. Ganesan edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Quality Enhancements In Prime Service Sectors

SERVQUAL Based Approaches





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Descrizione Quality Enhancements In Prime Service Sectors

In recent years quality has become an integral part of any organization that provides competitive advantage. Quality is one of the main factors which aid a company to help the customer attain complete satisfaction in any services they offer. For this, we have to understand the real need and expectation of the customer. To attain long term success the service provider has to understand what the customer desires and what not. It is mandatory to possess complete knowledge on customer expectation. In turn, it serves as a benchmark for outstanding performance. Customer service and quality tools are pivotal items; learning the effective utilization of these tools lead to competitive advantage. Service industries are the backbone for social and economic development of a region. This thesis focuses on the enhancement of quality of services in the prime service sectors viz Educational Institution, Public Bus Transport, Bank, Hospital and Restaurant. The quality enhancement strategies are formulated with the help of various quality improvement techniques.

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