A Purpose-Driven Life of Helping Others di Diane Pauly edito da HenschelHAUS Publishing, Inc.
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A Purpose-Driven Life of Helping Others





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Descrizione A Purpose-Driven Life of Helping Others

Diane Pauly's life had been a whirlwind journey, moving from one learning event to another. Diane, as a young child, experienced fun and happiness. She remembers those feelings of pain and suffering from physical, emotional, and sexual abuse from the past. She remembers her life of beatings, a foster home, quitting school, marriage at age 17, an unfaithful emotionally abusive husband, depression, counseling, divorce and no friends or family to lean on. Diane responded to the 1950's societal expectations dictated for women. The enormous pain Diane was living finally led her to self-growth classes/seminars, a return to school, and even on to college, which led to a professional career, new friends, joyful times with her four beautiful daughters, a new wonderful husband and most importantly, self-respect. The whirlwind continued but now Diane was in control of her own happiness and joy. She learned how to be the author of the rest of her life. In this unique book, Diane offers concrete suggestions, based on actual unbelievable life experiences, showing step by step, how life can be transformed from Anguish to Joy.

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