Public Health, Medicine, and Bioethics di Armel Setubi F. edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Public Health, Medicine, and Bioethics

Vectors for Sustainable Social and Economic Development





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Descrizione Public Health, Medicine, and Bioethics

When relating health to social and economic development, one can assert that good health standards mean development and poor health standards mean lack of development. This suggests that the basis for a country¿s sustainable development is, among others, the enjoyment of good health standards by its population. Thus, efforts must be made to further researches, such as germ-line gene engineering which can highly benefit people, if well used and properly regulated. Ensuring good health standards to a country¿s population is possible through the application of a public health system, and ethical values which can enlighten social and medical practices. The bioethical model and the public health system applied must first and foremost take into account the socio-anthropological mindset which forms the common soul of particular groups of people. These problems which are embodied in the empirical givennesss of people¿s day-to-day living are what animated the subject matter of our analysis. In adopting an attitude devoid of prejudices, one can approach her own culture or others¿ with insights helping to ameliorate health and social conditions, as well as stimulating viable development.

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