Public Architecture edito da Betascript Publishing

Public Architecture





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Descrizione Public Architecture

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Public Architecture is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization whose mission, through its national initiative "The 1%," is to encourage and inspire architecture and design firms to donate at least 1% of their billable hours to the public good through pro bono work. Public Architecture has identified several public interest projects that tackle social issues, and then raises funding and support to realize them as model projects. Public Architecture acts as a catalyst for public discourse through education, advocacy, and the design of public spaces and amenities. Public Architecture was founded in 2002 by architect John Peterson, and is based in San Francisco. Donating time towards pro bono work is common in the legal profession Pro bono, and is encouraged by the American Bar Association, but no parallel structure existed for design professionals before The 1% program, although some design firms had donated time informally to clients in need.

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