Psychology of Art edito da Betascript Publishing

Psychology of Art





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Descrizione Psychology of Art

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The psychology of art is an interdisciplinary field that studies the perception, cognition and characteristics of art and its production. For the use of art materials as a form of psychotherapy, see art therapy. The psychology of art is related to architectural psychology and environmental psychology. The work of Theodor Lipps, a Munich-based research psychologist, played an important role in the early development of the concept of art psychology in the early decade of the twentieth century. His most important contribution in this respect was his attempt to theorize the question of Einfuehlung or "empathy," a term that was to become a key element in many subsequent theories of art psychology. In the narrow sense, there is no discipline "the psychology of art," for unlike other branches of psychology, with their numerous academies and research programs, there are few Psychology of Art programs in the universities.

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