A Psychiatric Primer for the Veteran's Family and Friends di Alexander G. Dumas, Grace Graham Keen edito da University of Minnesota Press
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A Psychiatric Primer for the Veteran's Family and Friends





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Descrizione A Psychiatric Primer for the Veteran's Family and Friends

A Psychiatric Primer for the Veteran's Family and Friends was first published in 1945. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions. For the individual as for the nation, war is not done with when the guns stop firing and the soldiers come home. Its continuing effects are easily recognized in the lives of the maimed and the disfigured; they are no less distressingly real for those whose injuries are of the mind and emotions and nerves. And of these a half million or more have been discharged from the armed services. What can families and friends do to help these men on their road back to health? A Psychiatric Primer answers this question in direct and practical terms. Affection and the best of intentions cannot alone tell one how to deal wisely and effectively with war torn nerves in a husband, son, friend, or fellow worker. One needs also intelligent understanding and a sound knowledge of the truly helpful attitude and behavior in a given situation. It is this understanding and this knowledge that A Psychiatric Primer offers to families and friends of returned servicemen.

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