Psalms Into Your Psalm di Samp Beverly Kay Samp edito da LifeRich Publishing
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Psalms Into Your Psalm

Volume 1





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Descrizione Psalms Into Your Psalm

"Come now, sing to Me, The song I have put in your heart, So We may sing together And give you Joy." "O come unto Me, My beloved" "Come, come, beloved unto Me" While in prayer meetings alone with God, Beverly Kay Samp fulfilled her commission to pray for the body of Christ and her church, and sing in tongues. While kneeling at the altar, she opened her journal, sang, and documented what she heard or interpreted. What she heard were songs given to the body of Christ. In a collection of the first one hundred and fifty love songs from the heart of God, God invites believers to find edification, exhortation, comfort, praise, joy, peace, encouragement, and strength in His profound messages. In these psalms, God calls believers to walk into His Garden of Delight, His Forest Green for protection, the Ocean Deep for cleansing, and the Desert for refreshment. Through these verses given through her personal relationship with her Savior, God encourages each of us to flow with Him, know His Love for you to ultimately realize a closer fellowship together. Included are other writings that reflect on paths for healing and share insight on how to pray in faith.

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