A Proposed Approach To Ant Colony Algorithm And A Comparative Study di Smaranika Mohapatra, Neelamani Samal edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

A Proposed Approach To Ant Colony Algorithm And A Comparative Study





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Descrizione A Proposed Approach To Ant Colony Algorithm And A Comparative Study

In order to get the best from the network, there is a need to find the shortest path. The more complicated the network is, the more difficult it is to manage the routes and indicate which one is the best. The ants, in their necessity to find food and brings it back to the nest, manage not only to explore a vast area, but also to indicate to their peers the location of the food while bringing it back to the nest. Thus, they know where their nest is, and also their destination, without having a global view of the ground. The purpose of this project is to provide a clear understating of the Ants-based algorithm, by giving a formal and comprehensive systematization of the subject.

Fuori catalogo - Non ordinabile
€ 30.87

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