A Prophet to the Peoples edito da Pickwick Publications
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A Prophet to the Peoples





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The Global Theological Ethics book series focuses on works that feature authors from around the world, draw on resources from the traditions of Catholic theological ethics, and attend to concrete issues facing the world today. It advances the Journal of Moral Theology's mission of fostering scholarship deeply rooted in traditions of inquiry about the moral life, engaged with contemporary issues, and exploring the interface of Catholic moral theology, philosophy, economics, political philosophy, psychology, and more. This series is sponsored in conjunction with the Catholic Theological Ethics and the World Church. The CTEWC recognizes the need to dialogue from and beyond local cultures and to interconnect within a world church. Its global network of scholars, practitioners, and activists fosters cross-cultural, interdisciplinary conversations--via conferences, symposia, and colloquia, both in-person and virtually--about critical issues in theological ethics, shaped by shared visions of hope.

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