Prophet, Priest, Prince, and the Already, Not Yet di Tk Dunn edito da Pickwick Publications
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Prophet, Priest, Prince, and the Already, Not Yet





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Descrizione Prophet, Priest, Prince, and the Already, Not Yet

Using the enigmatic theological expression of P. T. Forsyth, TK Dunn explores how a holistic and comprehensive interpretation of the threefold office of Christ undermines three critical areas of dispensational theology: the literal hermeneutic, disdain for the church catholic, and a convoluted interpretation of the end times focused on ethnic, corporate Israel. Interacting with liberalism as Forsyth's foil, and using the exegetical analysis of Scripture by G. E. Ladd, Dunn argues that the kingdom of God is not the human-driven utopia dreamed of by liberal scholars nor a dystopic, disconnected future realm exclusively for ethnic, corporate Israel; rather, the kingdom must be understood as the dominion of Christ's reign over a redeemed people who order their lives according to his gospel. Access to the kingdom, therefore, is open to all who are redeemed by the priestly work of Christ, submit to the king's constitution, and thereby live according to the prophetic proclamations of kingdom life.

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