The Prophecies of Jesus di Michael W. Sours edito da Oneworld Publications
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The Prophecies of Jesus





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Descrizione The Prophecies of Jesus

In the 19th century, many Christians throughout the western world expected the fulfilment of Jesus' prophecies. Some even ventured to conclude from the Scriptures that Jesus would return in 1844. This widespread expectation is well known to historians and culimated in what has been referred to as "The Great Disappointment". Recalling those times, one believer later wrote: "That day came and passed, and the darkness of another night closed upon the world. But with that darkness came a pang of disappointment to the advent believers that can find a parallel only in the sorrow of the disciples after the crucifixion of their Lord." Yet, in the very same year, a dynamic religious movement swept across Persia which heralded the advent and swift emergence of the Baha'I Faith. The only religion born during that time to become a global faith, its founder Baha'u'llah, claimed to be no less than the fulfilment of the very biblical prophecies that had so inspired the hopes of the Christian adventists.

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