The Promise Tree di Voigt Janalyn Voigt edito da Mountain Brook Ink
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The Promise Tree





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Descrizione The Promise Tree

A preacher's daughter shouldn't encourage a troublemaker-no matter what her wayward heart desires. Liberty has always believed she should marry a man of God, but Jake doesn't qualify. The promises they'd made at age twelve can't change that. If only Jake would stop pursuing her, she might keep from falling in love with him. Jake fears he'll lose Liberty to Beau, the new man in town. He doesn't trust the smooth-talker-and certainly not with Liberty. Expressing his opinion sounds jealous and pushes Liberty further away. Jake's efforts to forget the woman he loves lands him in jail for a crime he didn't commit. A bounty hunter on the trail of a notorious outlaw gallops into town, and Liberty finds herself in unexpected peril. When Jake rides after her, he faces a test of faith. Jake and Liberty must each overcome their own false beliefs. Only then can they experience the truth of God's redeeming love. Set during a troubled time in America, the Montana Treasure series explores faith, courage, and love in the Wild West. Read this heartwarming story to affirm your faith in love.

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