Project Tisiphone di Leah R Cutter edito da Knotted Road Press Incorporated
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Project Tisiphone

The Long Run




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Descrizione Project Tisiphone

A new hunter has joined the Cartel, stalking Judit, her crew, and her ship. This time, they cannot just disappear into the back reaches of space. They must confront this predator head on. Step out of the shadows and onto the stage. No matter what it might personally cost the crew. However, as Judit has told the crew more than once, if anyone's going to kill one of them, it's going to be her. This time, the crew expects her to live up to that promise. Project Tisiphone-the third book in the space opera series The Long Run-shows the crew leading the Cartel through more than one con, as well as the fun of breaking into systems far from whatever might be called home these days. Be sure to read all the books in this completed series, starting with Project Nemesis!

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