Project Management Skills for Coursework: A Practical Guide to Completing Bgcse Exam Coursework di Dorcas M. T. Cox edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Project Management Skills for Coursework: A Practical Guide to Completing Bgcse Exam Coursework

A Practical Guide to Completing Bgcse Exam Coursework







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Descrizione Project Management Skills for Coursework: A Practical Guide to Completing Bgcse Exam Coursework

It can be a challenge to analyze information in ways that compares and contrasts, justifies a stand, supports and defends an argument, or creates a new product, outcome or point of view. Coursework is an avenue to question, test, evaluate, and formulate. It is also an opportunity to innovate. Applying project management skills to your coursework, helps you to flesh out concepts and crystallize these ideas in ways that promote broad thinking. This helps to give your coursework the edge making it a cut above the rest. Who Should Read This Book Project Management Skills for Coursework is intended to captivate the interest of persons who are: ¿ writing BGCSE coursework for various subjects (particularly business subjects) ¿ conducting and writing research papers ¿ new to the field of project management ¿ required to execute projects in accordance with a project plan ¿ aspiring to roles with increasing responsibilities that include project management ¿ focusing on real world practical application of project management ¿ increasing their breadth and depth of project management knowledge

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