Project Management in Manufact di Badiru edito da John Wiley & Sons
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Project Management in Manufact





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Descrizione Project Management in Manufact

Project management is a system originally developed within the construction industry for controlling schedules, costs, and specifications of large multitask projects. In recent years, manufacturers have discovered that project management's time-tested techniques dovetail neatly with the current thinking on quality control and management in a highly competitive global marketplace. The system has been increasingly recognized for its suitability in the manufacturing process and is now applied in virtually every area of production. One of the foremost proponents of this trend is Adedeji Badiru, an internationally recognized authority on project management, whose books have helped thousands of companies adapt the system to their particular needs. This completely revised Second Edition of Badiru's breakthrough publication, Project Management in Manufacturing and High Technology Operations, focuses on the dramatic increase in the use of high-tech machinery in industrial operations, and seamlessly integrates high-tech themes into a general discussion of project management.

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