Profiles in Ohio History di Ronald Shannon edito da iUniverse
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Profiles in Ohio History

A Legacy of African American Achievement







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Descrizione Profiles in Ohio History

Throughout the first one hundred and seventy-five-year history of the State of Ohio, many Ohio African American residents contributed significantly to Ohio and United States history. This book, which is divided into seven historical periods of Ohio and United States history, presents the lives and achievements of selected Ohio African American residents, including: JAMES STEWART: Founder of the Wyandot Indian Mission, the first Methodist Mission in America JOHN PARKER: Former slave, Conductor of the Underground Railroad, businessman, and inventor THE BLACK BRIGADE OF CINCINNATI: African American defenders of Cincinnati during the Civil War GARRETT MORGAN: Inventor, businessman, and newspaper publisher JOHN MERCER LANGSTON: Former Slave and the first African American elected to public office in the United States CHARLES YOUNG: The highest ranking Army officer during World War I HARRISON DILLARD: The only person to win an Olympic gold medal in both the one hundred meter dash and the one hundred and ten meter high hurdles This book also provides the reader with: information regarding the historical periods in which those profiled lived; a detailed chronological list of dates and events, and several Ohio landmarks relative to the African American experience in Ohio.

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