Problems of Autistic Children and Their Families di Md. Abdur Rakib edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Problems of Autistic Children and Their Families

A Study in the Urban Areas of Bangladesh





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Descrizione Problems of Autistic Children and Their Families

Autism is a life-long, often devastating, disorder that profoundly affects almost every aspect of an individual's functioning. Large number population of Bangladesh suffering from ASD is therefore not a surprise. About 10% of Bangladesh's people are challenged of those, 1% is estimated to be autistic, amounting to around 1.5 lakh people. Parents of autistic children to be at a higher risk for depression, social isolation and marital discord. There are many problems in the field that needs to be addressed in the upcoming years. Researchers in Bangladesh often term Autism more of a social problem rather than a medical problem.

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