The Problem of Medical Insurance in TransitionalCountries di Ivanchenko Liudmyla edito da VDM Verlag
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The Problem of Medical Insurance in TransitionalCountries

Lessons for Ukraine


VDM Verlag





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Descrizione The Problem of Medical Insurance in TransitionalCountries

Ukrainian health care requires urgent reform which should affect the fundamentals of the system. Current budget financing is not sufficient to cover even the basic needs of population and the system of health care is almost collapsed. Author argues for necessity of fundamental reform that will change the system from budget financing to the system of general mandatory health insurance. This system is considered to be more efficient and acceptable for Ukraine than the current one with predominantly direct payments and severe budget underfinancing. The experience of other transitional countries can be used for the elaboration of such a system in Ukraine. Not individual cases but the general trends of the health care systems of transitional countries of Central Europe and Russia will be analyzed. The problems in the health care system of Ukraine are greater than in chosen transitional countries. That is why very fundamental changes are needed; among them the most important one is the amendment to the Constitution.

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