Pro-Life, Pro-Choice, Pro-Love: 44 days of reflection for finding a third way in the abortion debate di Suzanne DeWitt Hall edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Pro-Life, Pro-Choice, Pro-Love: 44 days of reflection for finding a third way in the abortion debate

44 days of reflection for finding a third way in the abortion debate





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Descrizione Pro-Life, Pro-Choice, Pro-Love: 44 days of reflection for finding a third way in the abortion debate

Abortion is one of the most hotly debated issues facing Western society today. Good-hearted people have firmly held convictions on both sides of the argument, often closing their minds and hearts to the truths spoken by those who disagree with them. Pro-Life, Pro-Choice, Pro-Love walks you through a series of meditations to try to discern a third way of viewing the issue, with God at the center.

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