Princess Emilie's Reflection di Craig Silver edito da Covenant Books
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Princess Emilie's Reflection



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Descrizione Princess Emilie's Reflection

Princess Emilie's Reflection will help parents, counselors, and educators prevent or arrest self-images that can lead to anorexia or emotional issues in young girls. The seed of the princess's troubles begins with an unhealthy propensity to wonder and speculate. A jealous spell is allowed to adversely affect Princess Emilie--just her reflection--that only she can see. Emilie resists reason as she is convinced that her reflection is her true self. Ultimately, the king removes the spell along with exhortations and encouragement. This book is appropriate for young girls and yet may benefit older girls to embellish a life lesson. It is an enjoyable story with surface humor and a deeper message and call to truth in its ending.

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