A Primer on the Sapientific Method: Discipline for Ontological Clarity di Jerome Jacob Rappoport edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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A Primer on the Sapientific Method: Discipline for Ontological Clarity

Discipline for Ontological Clarity







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Descrizione A Primer on the Sapientific Method: Discipline for Ontological Clarity

The author is in his eighth decade of life and claims to have found the key to the issues that have occupied him since childhood. As a regular-ordinary individual, he has concluded that his observations can apply to all others, regardless of circumstance or environment in which they might find themselves. His inquiries and experiences have suggested that most are hollow and void inside, but don't recognize it because they are filled with stories and concepts that came from outside their selves. These foreign-social notions, when compared with what he or she feels inside, lead to angst and frustration when confronting life. The Sapientific Method gives the individual tools to clear things up and basically start life anew by filling the self with his or her own storyline that enables a new reinterpreted view of the world. This is what being born again means.

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