Priceless Impressions di Paul Christopher Dean edito da Blurb
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Priceless Impressions







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With the exception of just a few poems, it took me less than sixty days to compile this book. Perhaps even more disturbing is the fact that I wrote this on my iPhone and texted it to myself, line by line, poem by poem. I guess my teenage daughter would have been proud. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you don't sleep for days and days. I wasn't trying to push myself intentionally, but that's just how it happened. It's pretty incredible what a lost soul is truly capable of. Finding a way to capture all of these thoughts meant everything to me. It felt like the end of my life and there were so many things I needed to say before I go. In many cases, it also kept me from pulling the trigger too soon. This is more than just a collection of poems like the one before. This is the story of a life that was forever changed in the blink of an eye. So here is your opportunity to gaze into the sorrow of the truly broken-hearted. This was it - my last shot. Literally.

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